Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Reading Question #1: "The Most Dangerous Job"

Hello my lovelies! Here is the reading question (careful--it's actually three questions--he he) I hope will spark a wildly insightful discussion about chapter 8 of Fast Food Nation

Which of the many anecdotes or statistics that Schlosser offers about the slaughterhouse experience did you find to be the most powerful/effective? Why? What do you think Schlosser is trying to convince you to think, or do, by presenting this evidence and how does it relate to fast food restaurants? 

 To receive full credit for your response, you have until 11:30pm this Saturday, September 13th.  Be specific in your answers. Think athletically. Don't sit down at the starting line and draw in the the dirt. SOAR through the finish line! On your mark, get set, go.