Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reading Question #4: Due Monday, March 30

Now that you've nearly or completely finished your novel, let's discuss its theme. Be careful, this reading question is four parts (ugh . . . Molnar . . . grrrrr)!  
a. What do you think is the theme of your novel? b. How is this theme achieved through the story's characters? c.  How is this theme achieved through the major conflict(s) in the story?  How does the resolution of the major conflict(s) help communicate theme? d. Finally, how is the theme conveyed through the author's use of language? Discuss a specific example of simile, metaphor, or imagery, and how it contributes to the author's central idea about life.   

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reading Question #3: Due this Saturday, March 21

Describe one of  your main character's external conflicts. What person, group, or force (for example, a storm) is he/she up against? How does this conflict seem to be affecting this main character? 
Also, describe one your main character's internal conflicts. What dilemma does the character have within himself/herself? (For example, maybe she is wondering whether or not to tell him that she loves him? Or, perhaps he is thinking about whether or not he should steal from his wealthy friend.) How does the character's decision making on this conflict affect the plot? 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reading Question #2: Due this Saturday, March 14

How would you describe your main character?  Give 2 specific traits.  Why would you describe him or her in this way?  What do other characters or the narrator say that leads you to make this determination about the main character's personality? What does the character say about himself or herself that shows these traits? Are there any conflicts or actions, so far, that clearly display the main character's traits? Use at least two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Reading Question #1: Due this Saturday March 7

How would you describe the TONE--the mood, attitude or emotion--of your novel so far?  How does the author achieve this tone? Through language? Through characters' dialogue? Through action? Is tone created some other way?  Use a specific example from the text to help explain your ideas. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

*$@#! . . . Another Break Assignment?!

Oh, don't worry lovelies, it's simple and fun! Here's how it works: 
  • Pace your reading so that you'll finish your novel in one month.
  • Every Monday in March I'll pose a question and you'll have until that Saturday to post an athletic, substantive response. 
  • Each response is worth 10 points. 
  • Answers should educate me on your book, and provoke discussion among your reading partners. 
Question 1: March 2 (Answers due March 7)
Question 2: March 9 (Answers due March 14)
Question 3: March 16 (Answers due March 21) 
Question 4: March 23 (Answers due March 28) 

Happy reading!!