Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reading Question #3: "Global Realization"

Ok.  Everybody.  I see my last email wasn't an effective reminder. As you can see, only five of you posted an answer to reading question #2.  Sadness.  Disappointment.   

Let's not let this happen with reading question # 3!!  I'll issue reminders via phone calls to as many of you as possible. To receive full credit, you must respond by Sunday, October 26th. And if you haven't already, please respond to reading question #2. You can still receive partial credit. 

Here's your question. As always, give a substantive athletic answer

1. What is Schlosser's position in Chapter 10, "Global Realization"?  In other words, what do you think he trying to persuade you to believe about the global effects of fast food? Be sure to support your answer with evidence from the text. 


Anonymous said...

well first of all he MR. and second of all man vacations almost over V.V

well on to the question...
I think schlosser was trying to persuade us about the global effects because he explains alot how the companies or the restaurants only want good land so they can build the restaurant and make money. Not really caring where its at. For example "In 1997, protest where staged against the opening of a McDonald's so close to a concentration camp where the gypsies, Jews, homosexuals, and political opponents of the Nazis where imprisoned, where Luftwaffe scientists performed medical experiments on inmates and roughly 30,000 people died."(233) When I read that even I thought that if I were in their shoes i would protest too. I mean it pretty much looks like McDonalds supported what the Nazis did for putting the restaurant a mile or two away. I think that was wrong especially to the people that had lived through that time. Some companies just want to make money that they dont care if the land had any significance during some years.

Anonymous said...

i think that he is trying to compare mcdonalds to something that is very bad. like the black plague how it spread all throughout the world killing people slowly from the inside out. or like ww1 and 2 how it was something bad. or how corporaaations like mcdonalds choose to be where the weak or the poor so that they may feast on the already emppty wallets tempting them with a full stomach and a cheap price."During the sumer of 1990, construction quickly began on the first McDonald's in East Germany. It would occupy ann abandoned lot in the center of Plauen, a block away from the steps of the town hall. The McDonald's would be the first new building erected i nPlauen since the coming of a new Germany.

Anonymous said...

I think Schlosser is trying to persuade us that fast food chains really don't care about what the community thinks about their selfish acts. They don't take into consideration about what has happened or will happen once they open up another one of their joints. If a certain place has no more room for another addition of McDonald's or other fast food joints, they look elsewhere for their "future growth". If a country does not have a McDonald's in it, McDonald's takes that opportunity to contribute to their "global realization". For example, "As the fast food industry has grown more competitive in the United States, the major chains have looked to overseas markets for their future growth" (229).

Anonymous said...

I think, what Schlosser is trying to convince us that, from Janel's word, fast food restaurants only care about people in general. From the location of the place they're built to the food they're being given. In once of the local text, a few had protest against McDonald's in Germany since it was built near a Nazi camp. McDonald's didn't really support the need of the protesters other than supporting their grounds. That shows that, fast food restaurant don't pay attention to people's voice. In another situation, most of our population is obese and McDonald's or other fast food chain does not provide healthy choices for us. Instead they believe that it's much easier to increase their proportion size and and fat contents. Such as, from the text "...the major chains have apparently decided that it's much easier and much more profitable to increase the size and the fat content of their portions than to battle eating habits largely formed by years of their own mass marketing" (241). This shows us exactly how selfish fast food restaurant really are. Sure they provide us "nutrition" and "quality" food, but it taste exactly the same as every McDonald's.

Anonymous said...

ok well hopefully we dont do anything tomorrow because its only the first day back

"wink wink" mr molnar

i think that schlosser is trying to persuade us that fast food corporations want to send their food world wide
everywhere you see and everywhere you turn you will see a fast food restaurant
(229) a decade ago mcdonalds had about 3 thousand restaurants outside the the united states;today it has about 17 thousand restaurants in more than 120 foreign countries . it currently opens about 5 new restaurants every day , and at least 4 of them are overseas.

it later on says that the company executive plans to double the number of mcdonalds in the next decade

and i say excuse my language mr molnar
what the fuck is up with them !
i cant believe their serious about this
i mean with all that land they couls supply houses that we need or it can be used for much more thins
but instead its used for mcdonalds
and not only mcdonalds but many other fast food restaurants are taking this in since mcdonalds is such a big hit

and pretty much our world is gonna be consumed by fast food everywhere and everyone in this world is gonna be fat
and thats just how they want us
to be consumed in their food so in the end their the ones on top
lol ok that last part was kinda weird but hey im trying to prove my point here !

Anonymous said...

At this point, fast food restaurant have become greedy and it is the leading cause of obesity. It's ridiculous how much more they're planning on growing their corporation."Within the next decade, Jack Greenberg, the company's chief executive, hopes to double the number of Mcdonalds"(229).In addition, their strategy to capture young children's attention has been successful. "..a survey found that half of the nation's nine- and ten-year-olds thought tha Ronald Mcdonald knew what kids should eat"(231). Mcdonalds,mainly, been a fast food restaurant spreading overseas for the past decade and new restaurants are being opened every day. Moreover, "In 1997, protests were staged against the opening of a Mcdonald's so close to a concentration camp where gypsies, Jews, homosexuals, and political opponents of the Nazis were imprisoned...roughly 30,000 people died"(233). This proves that mcdonald's doesn't care about what is around them or the situation but the profit they're getting out of it.

Anonymous said...

i think that Schlosser is trying to pursuade us that the fast food corporations are trying to sell their food world-wide, knowing that it is bad for people. They dont really care about what happens to the people buying their food, just as long as they dont get blamed for it."More than half of all American adults and about one-quarter of all American children are now obese or overweight.THose proportions have soared during the last few decades, along with adults twice as high today as it was in the early 1960's. The rate of abesity among American children is twice as high as it was in the late 1970's."(240)

Anonymous said...

Schlosser in this chapter is trying to persuade us to think that fast food restaurants are just going for the money/profits. These people from these corporations really don't care if a customer gets sickened from the food they sell or even gain extremely a lot of weight. Remember that this country is one of the top countries that ranks high of people with a lot of weight. For example, "More than half of all American adults and about one-quarter of all American children are now obese or overweight"(240). I think it is really bad that people in this country get addicted too much to fast food restaurants and eat even more food instead of eating food from fast food restaurants less. As fast food restaurants open even more restaurants worldwide, obesity gets higher. For example," The rate of obesity among American adults is twice as high today as it was in the early 1960's. The rate of of obesity among American children is twice as high as it was in the late 1970's"(240). Fast food restaurants should stop growing and growing!