Monday, March 2, 2009

Reading Question #1: Due this Saturday March 7

How would you describe the TONE--the mood, attitude or emotion--of your novel so far?  How does the author achieve this tone? Through language? Through characters' dialogue? Through action? Is tone created some other way?  Use a specific example from the text to help explain your ideas. 


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Molnar!!! The mood that is being conveyed in the story is fatigue and sceptical. The mood/tone is conveyed through their thoughts and actions. For example, "No one knows how or why Dan died, and everyone in St. Tabby's believes Scarlett has something to do with it". This helps convey the tone because no one knows why Dan died. Everyone was hesitant and Scarlett felt inferior.

Anonymous said...

DOH!! i messed up mr!! The mood is being conveyed through the dialogue not their thoughts.>

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Molnar!!! The mood that is being conveyed in the story so far is a bit of betrayal and excited. This is being conveyed trough the actions the characters take. For example, ""See you tomorrow" over my shoulder at the girls, ignoring their deafening silence...But it is me betraying my friends,selling them out, leaving them behind the second something more glossy and shiny beckons.Ninety-nine percent of me is fizzing with excitement when I allow to think that the golden doors are really opening to me." This helps convey the tone because it shows how Scarlett is betraying her friends for something better, in this case popularity.

Anonymous said...

The tone of "And Then There Were None" so far is condescending. During the first few pages of the book, 8 main characters were introduced. These 8 people all had different personalities and views. Some were friendlier than others. They all had one thing in common though, they all thought they DESERVED the trip to Indian Island. This is shown through their thoughts.
"By Jove, he'd sailed pretty near the wind once or twice! But he'd always got away with it! There wasn't much he drew the line at really...
No there wasn't much he'd drew the line at. He fancied that he was going to enjoy himself at Indian Island."(p.7)
This from Captain Lombard who got invited to Indian Island for a job.

"Emily Brent thought to herself: "I shall be getting a free holiday at any rate."(p.9)
This was from Emily Brent who was invited for spending a holiday at Indian Island.

Notice how they were heading to the same place (Indian Island was bought by only one person, I think), but their invitations were for completely different things. Suspicious! x)

Anonymous said...

sup mr.molnar =]....Well mood that is being conveyed in the story is deapressed and gillty. These moods are achived by the auther in the thoughts Scarlett has. For example, "I'm a coward. And right now I wish I was dead."(pg.82). This hepls show the mood deapressed because she is so lost and scard in this issue that she want to die. Another example, "every single person who knows about Dan's death is going to assume that I'm to blame. And the worst part is that so will I."(pg.77) This helps conveyed the mood gillty by the way she is starting to feel the death of Dan was maybe her falt.

Anonymous said...

The mood being conveyed so far in the story Twilight is joyous. This mood is being conveyed through the characters actions and inner emotions. For example " Bella are you all right?"
"Im fine." . My voice sounded strange. I tryed to sit up, and realized he was holding me against the side of his body in an iron grasp ( p.57). This example from the text conveys the mood because the two main characters Edward and Bella have begun to have feelings for each other but dont really know it yet. They both share a unique chemistry that makes them really happy. This event helped them realize a little more about their feelings toward each other. Which was very joyous.:)

Anonymous said...

what it do mr. molnar!!

well in novel i'm reading the tone or emotion conveyed is depressed. the main character is very alone and doesn't like the way she her life has been.the author conveys this tone through the dialogue,actions and thoughts of the characters.For example, "i glance around my room, which doesnt represent me,because this isnt my home"(37).This shows how scarlett doesnt even feel comfortable or herself in her own house.

Anonymous said...

The tone of my book is unpredictable/spooky.
This is conveyed when Jack Crawford tells Clarice she shouldnt say anything personal when shes speecking with Dr.Hanibal because he has ways of getting into peoples mind.

Anonymous said...

woops sorry i forgot about yesterday
the tone that "Left Behind" expresses is a feeling of remorse. One of the three main character in the book Captain Rayford Steele. Feels alot of regret that he didn't spend enough time with his family before the tragidy occured. When the "rapture" takes place and his son and wife disappear he realize how much he loved his wife and his son. HE know feels lost and alone. "What a sweet,sweet woman! he thought. I never deseerved her, never loved her enough!"pg 76

Anonymous said...

But anyway, since Athena & I are reading the same book, I'd have to agree with her tone. It's very condescending & mysterious. First of all, all 8 participants knew nothing about WHAT they were doing there, only that they 'thought' they deserved this trip. Suspicions arose but nothing was ever made out of it, all that was on their minds was a free trip to a mysterious island. For example, "Queer business when you came to think of it- the whole thing was queer- very queer...."(26).

Anonymous said...

sorry mr molnar i forgot my book at my friends house n i just got it back!!!
oh the tone of my book is insucred which is shown by scarlett's action on page 13 "we both know we're saying this because we feel fat. and we both know we're not fat, unless you interpert the word fat to mean "has a sensible layer of fresh protecting her skin from getting sliced into ribbons by her bones" she's comparing her self to the "popular" girl of saint tobby's high school and thogh she's doing good in school and does gymnastics she's still not happy or comtempt with her life and finds it boring so when the queen of the "popular" group has her come to a party she jumps at the accation and turns her back on her two best friends

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mr.Molnar, I completely forgot we had an assignment until Janel reminded me!
Anyways, I do agree with Janel and Athena on how the tone is condescending and mysterious. So far, the story describes the characters and their background. One thing in common that they had was, all 8 characters thought they deserved to go to Indian Island. The tone is being conveyed through their thoughts.
"Emily Brent thought to herself: 'I shall be getting a free holiday at any rate'"(9). For now, I say that these are all very suspicious movement.

Anonymous said...

OH, i'll finish the rest of the response by sunday/monday when i get back from vegas :)

andrea wasawas said...

OH! Here's also another thought from the Philip Lombert "No, there wasn't much he'd draw the line at. He fancied that he was going to enjoy himself at Indian Island"(7). ahh