Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Reading Question #2: Due this Saturday, March 14

How would you describe your main character?  Give 2 specific traits.  Why would you describe him or her in this way?  What do other characters or the narrator say that leads you to make this determination about the main character's personality? What does the character say about himself or herself that shows these traits? Are there any conflicts or actions, so far, that clearly display the main character's traits? Use at least two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer. 


Anonymous said...

Mr. Molnar, our book has 10 main characters D:

I suppose the group as one can be the main.
They all have different personalities.
Here's a quick description of each:
Mr. Wargarve- He's old and observant. He WAS a judge afterall.
Vera Claythorne- She's young and school-teacher-ish.
Phillip Lombard- He doesnt look very nice according to Vera and he seems proud of his work as a captain even though he doesnt make as much anymore.
Emily Brent- She's old and very conservative. and mean.
General Macarthur- He's lonely and reserved. But he seemed really happy when he heard that his old friends from the army were gonna be at Indian Island.
Dr.Armstrong- He seems full of himself. and he doesnt like speedsters.
Tony Marston- is a young, slightly narcissistic guy who is really into driving fast.He is also very good looking x)
Henry Blore/ initially introduced to the group as Mr. Davis- He's observant as well and he's secretive. (he's a detective undercover)
Mrs. and Mr. Rogers- They both are very obedient to orders. Mrs Roger's looks like shes scared of something and Mr. Rogers seems like he really cares about his wife.

They all had two thing in common;
They were put in the island under false pretenses
and they all have contributed into killing someone.
Examples from the text:
"Into that silence came The Voice. Without warning, inhuman, penetrating...
You are charged with the following indictments:
[Names of guests and whose murders they were responsible of.]
Prisoners at the bar, have you anything to say in your defense?

"The judge nodded silently. He said: 'Oh, yes. I've no doubt in my own mind that we have been invited here by a madman-- probably a dangerous homicidal lunatic....He knows, you see, a good deal. And out of his knowledge concerning us, he has made certain definite accusations.'"

Anonymous said...

ok so in my book scarlett wakefield is a girl that does not appreciate what she has such as a good education and good friends. she longs to fit in with "the cool people" i feel sorry for girl because she is a person that doughts herself constantly and a lot of her mishaps could have been avoided if she was comfortable with her self which she isnt so she does things to fit in but they back fire on her ten times worst. her mum and dad died wen she was little and her family was relentless to take care of her tho her father was a baronet and her family does have a lot of money an her grandmother is the head mistress of the best school outside of londan, scarlett is still complaining that her life really sucks now she has killed a Dan who she REALLY liked without knowing how (she kissed him n then he died) and all the mean girls blame her and her friends dont want to talk to her after she ditch them for Plum the coolest girl (meanest too) has made her life a living hell

Anonymous said...

well scarlett wakefield is a girl who isn't appreciative and is always doubtful. First of all she has good friends and a good education. She doubted herself as to being ugly. She wants to fit in with the "cool kids" when she doesn't need to. When she kills Dan in some weird accident it gets worse. She doubts herself more especially in the "dating department" and she doesn't appreciate that she's going back to her grandmother's school so no one knows what happened and so no one is mean and calls her "the kiss of death girl". She should appreciate all that her family id doing even if they are relentless of doing it.

Anonymous said...

I have two main character its Bella and Edward. Bella is a very shy and curious girl.Edward is very misterious and kinda weird . He is also sometimes thoughtful on what Bella is thinking . I would describe Bella in that way because in her first day at school she was very shy to make new friends .She is curious I think because she want to know everthing about Edwards life.I describe Edward in that way because he is wierd . He is a person that dosent do normal stuff like dosent eat and that his skin is always cold . He misterious because he dosent talk to ppl in school only to the ones that live with him .So nobody really know about his life.

ps sorry i didnt do last weeks question

Anonymous said...

The main character of my book is Clarice. She is a very dedicated person and a determined person. she is dedicated because she wants to find the truth of the killer no matter what. she is determined because she goes to high deeps to figure out the truth. and yeah nice vacations mister

Anonymous said...

Uhh, wow. Haha. Athena's right Mr. Molnar. All the characters are mentioned all the time, & there's never a center focus on one.
Justice Wargrave- He always takes command & tries to keep calm at ALL times, no matter what the situation.
Vera Claythorne- She doesn't do well under pressure & panics.
Phillip Lombard- He has quite a few nice moments if he's up for it. But usually very strict.
Emily Brent- An old religious lady who feels no remorse in doing cruel things. She believes there's a reason for everything.
General Macarthur- A lonely man, who merely accepted his own invitation to Indian Island in hopes of turning that around.
Dr. Armstrong- A high self-esteemed doctor who takes pride in what he does.
Anthony Marston- A wealthy, good-looking, & self-absorbed man. He worries not of anyone else but himself.
Henry Blore- An undercover detective who was sent to observe & report.
Mr. & Mrs. Rogers- Mrs. Rogers seems frightful of something yet unknown to us, & Mr. Rogers merely follows orders & asks no questions.
Athena pretty much said it all:
"They were put in the island under false pretenses
and they all have contributed into killing someone" [:
(I'm late one day again <_<)

Anonymous said...

well there are tw omain chracters in my book
Cameron Williams and Rayford Steele
Cameron Williams, I would describe him as observant and jouralist, i mean that he always wants to find the truth, even if he is in danger.
"Well,I'm preety sure he was, too, because I think I'd have a clue if he was suicidal."
"They're trying to pin it on his remorse over losing people in the great disappearance, but it won't wash. He didn't lose anybody close as far as I know."
"What are you afraid of ?"
I'm afraid of whoever was behind Dirk's murder, of course."
Rayford, i would describe him as openminded and forgiven
[Ray is watching a video left by the pastor for those left behind in the rapture]
The pastor said,"Pray after me," and Rayford did. "dear God, I admit that I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive me and save me....He confessed his pride. Pride in his intelligence. Pride in his looks. Pride in his abilities....When he was through he felt clean. And knew he was forgiven

Anonymous said...

the main characters in our book is scarlett wakefield. i think she is the tip of girl that whats to fit in. wants to have a good time in school and thinks she needs to be in the cool girls group. its very F@*$ed up how she leaves her real friends to go with the fake girls. also so is very self.....i dont know the word but she like does not belive in herself and does not think she is pretty like the fake girls. and will end up beliveing what the other girls are saying about her. that is not good cause you will end up changeing and not be your self.

Cynthia Carrera said...

The main character in my book is named Edward. I agree with yisel Edward is indeed a very mysterious boy. He always keeps to himself. Hes not very talkative and out going. Nobody really knows any thing about him.Hes not very normal. For Example they were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat in the long room. They werent talking,and they werent eating though they each had a tray of untouched food in front of them". Why would a bunch of teenagers be doing anything during lunch not talking nor eating thats very strange very mysterious. One second trait of Edward is that hes extremly hansome. For example "I stared because there faces, so differnt so similar were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful". They were faces you never expected to see execpt on the airbrushed pages of a fashion magazine. This example from the text also explains how hansome he is.