Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Reading Question #3: Due this Saturday, March 21

Describe one of  your main character's external conflicts. What person, group, or force (for example, a storm) is he/she up against? How does this conflict seem to be affecting this main character? 
Also, describe one your main character's internal conflicts. What dilemma does the character have within himself/herself? (For example, maybe she is wondering whether or not to tell him that she loves him? Or, perhaps he is thinking about whether or not he should steal from his wealthy friend.) How does the character's decision making on this conflict affect the plot? 


Anonymous said...

The external conflict that Scarlett is facing is everyone at St. Tabby's. They believe and blame Scarlett for the death of Dan. This affects Scarlett by being forced to leave St. Tabby's and back to Wakefield Hall Collegiate. This also affects her emotionally which leads me to her internal conflict. Everyone at St. Tabby's believes she did it and with no one there to tell her it wasn't her fault she starts to believe it as well. Since she thinks she did it, she doesn't want to love or ever like a boy again for fear of killing him too. This affects the plot because she found a great guy at Wakefield named Jase, short for Jason, and they have developed feelings towards each other but due to the circumstance of Dan's death Scarlett doesn't want to give it a chance.

Anonymous said...

The biggest conflict that is going on in the book "kiss me, kill me" is that Scarlett has kill someone and has no way of proving that it wasn't her fault. She has lost all her friends had to move back with her aunt Gwen, who dislikes her and is afriad of boys now after what happened. She can't let herself fall in love with anyone for fear of hurting them. She can't make new friends because of her guilt. Scarlett is at a big cross road. But there is hope for her. Someone else believes that "it wasn't her fault" but now the question is who else knows at the new school?

Anonymous said...

External Conflict: Theres some one who is killing all of them one by one. They don't know who it is exactly, but its one of them.

Internal Conflict: They don't know WHO to point fingers at but they're all trying to make sure its not gonna be on themselves. Also, they were trying to deny to themselves the murders they were accused off claiming it was either an accident, self- defense, or work of God .

Anonymous said...

THE internal conflict is that edward is a vampier and he want to be with bella all the time but is scaried that one day he is going to want to suck her blood .

The externalconflict would be that one daty ppl would fine out that edward and his family are vampires

Anonymous said...

An internal conflict is that Edward wants to be with Bella, but he can't because of what he is....a vampire. This is a big conflict because he wants to keep bella a fragile human, and not turn her into a vampire, even if he would want to.

An external conflict would be, that he can't just tell anyone that he is a vampire. Many people wouldn't have the same reaction that Bella dis, which was not so surpirsed or scared of him. This affects him because he is forced to hide his true identity.

Anonymous said...

The external conflict in the story is that millions of people have disappered off the face of earth in a blink of an eye with now warning, just suddenly. Meaning car piles of driver who disappeared and left the car in motion or airplane pilots. police officers, firemen, and all the children. This leaves the world with little communication and in need of help, on the brink of a nuclear thermal world war 3. This main character, Rayford Steele believes that the lord jesus christ has return for his children the ones who had faith in him have returned to heaven.
The struggle within him is one of grief. Grief for his lost unapriceated family Son and wife. And the worry that he has for his daughter who is not yet completely enveloped in the idea of Rapture.

Anonymous said...

External Conflict: All 10 of the main characters are being murdered one by one, & they are all getting scared.

Internal Conflict: No one knows or has an idea as to WHO the culprit is, & everyone is only worried about themselves.

Cynthia Carrera said...

The external conflict the main character Edward has is that he is trying to protect his love Bella. Edward is protecting Bella from the evil vampires who are after her. This conflict affects the main character because it makes him think twice about his relationship with Bella. If he stays with her shes going to be in constant danger.
Edwards internal conflict is that hes a vampire and he dosnt know what part of him is more dominant. Is it the part that thirsts for Bellas blood. Or is it the part that truly loves her. Hes not sure if he should leave Bella for her own good. Or follow his heart and stay with her. So far hes followed his heart. This decision could really affect Bella. Edward could one day end up killing her if he loses control.

siomara =] said...

Well one of scarlett's external conflicts are all of her "friends" in school that keep on bugging her about the death of the boy. They aslo dont talk to her and her real friends dont talk to her to so she really doesnt have any friends. An internal conflict that she has is that she is starting to think that it was her falt that the kid died and that she really thinks she is all those bad thing that the girls are telling her that she is. She is putting her self down and thats not good.