Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reading Question #4: Due Monday, March 30

Now that you've nearly or completely finished your novel, let's discuss its theme. Be careful, this reading question is four parts (ugh . . . Molnar . . . grrrrr)!  
a. What do you think is the theme of your novel? b. How is this theme achieved through the story's characters? c.  How is this theme achieved through the major conflict(s) in the story?  How does the resolution of the major conflict(s) help communicate theme? d. Finally, how is the theme conveyed through the author's use of language? Discuss a specific example of simile, metaphor, or imagery, and how it contributes to the author's central idea about life.   


Anonymous said...

a. Guilt will get to you.
b. Though some showed it more than others, it was obvious there was some guilt there. Plus, I think the reason the murderer brought them all on that island was because he was guilty with his own murder as well. Also, they all died in the end. The last person killed herself because she thought of the boy she killed.
c. see b.
d. "He was out to get people who were beyond the reach of the law. He picked ten people-- whether they were guilty or not doesn't matter--... There were ten people to be--executed, lets say. They were executed. U.N.Owen accomplished his task."
This U.N.Owen didn't murder the others for no reason. He gathered the ones who killed, including himself, that the police couldn't get and brought them to justice.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, continuation:

he killed them because he felt guilty about him killing too. And he felt that those who died deserved to be avenged.

Anonymous said...

A Guilt and retribution.
B all these people have committed acts that they are guilty of. there wasnt a character that ignored his/her gulit.
C he characters end up dead from something related to guilt. the judge shoots himself in a quite elaborate manner taking root in his initial guilt of putting someone to death. theme is pretty clear, in the letter the old judge wrote
D theme is pretty straightforward in the plot of the story, but metaphors are in fact used as a premonition to the fate of the 10 "little indians".


Wendy said...

I think the theme in Kiss Me Kill Me would be trying to forget something is hard to do. The theme is achieved by Scarlett moving to Wakefield and trying not to like another guy again.Plum and her group try to forget by blaming Scarlett and making her be the blame.The way the theme was conveyed in the conflict would have to be when Scarlett received the letter. She tried her hardest to forget but then out of nowhere a letter is sent to her stating that its not her fault for Dan's death. Also she kept all the clippings of the article talking about Dan's death. This also shows that it was hard for Scarlett to forget about Dan. The resolution to this is that when Scarlett got the letter she stopped trying to forget and started to figure out who really killed Dan. An example would be, "it wasn't your fault. I pick up the piece of paper and scrunch it up with my hand and throw it in the bin. Where it joins a crumpled-up mass of other papers, all with the same words again and again and again...And I hate myself. Because I'm a coward. Because I'm not brave enough to look at those words without canceling them out again straightaway. I'm a coward. And right now i wish I was dead. Because this secret is much too big for me to be able to keep." As well as this showing guilt it also shows that Nadia, a girl in Plum's group, is trying to forget what she saw at the party, the night of Dan's murder. She is hoping that if she can truly send out what she needs to say she can finally forget and put everything dealing with Dan's death behind her.

Priscilla said...

I would say that the theme of Twilight is love. When you love someone,no matter what people do or say, if youre love is as strong as you show or say it is, it will still be there no matter what.

The theme was achieved through several major conflicts in the story. One of the strongest ones would have to be towards the end of the book, when Edwars is trying to hide Bella from another vampire thats out to get her. Because his love for her is so strong, he does everything in his power to protect her.

The answer to question C is basically pretty much the same as question B Mr. Molnar......

The author conveys theme through the language by the way that she wrote the story. Whenever Bella and Edward are alone together, the words she uses to describe how they feel for each other and all the thigs that they both go through in the story, makes you(the audience) realize that their love for each other is very powerful.

A simile that the author uses is when Bella sees Edward's skin in the sunlight for the first time..."His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface." The author uses physical descriptions and analogies issued by the main character as means of interpreting the significance of "breath" or "life", in which depiction of the most extrordinary of beings may well be considered human-natured. To compare non-living, inanimate valuables to the complection of one's features is, in affect, providing the imagery one can only visualize, glorify and/or indicate what the slightest reference to such is.

Cynthia Carrera said...

A. The theme of my novel is love conqures all including fear.
B.The theme is achieved through the characters actions. When Bella figures out what Edward truly is( a vampire)she is not affraid. She dosnt fear him. She is blinded by her love and dosnt realize that every momment she spends with him she is in danger.
C.The theme is also conveyed through the major conflicts. When the evil vampires are after Bella she not scared at all as long as she has Edward and his love by her side she fine with just about any thing.
D.The theme is also conveyed throgh figureative language for example..."His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface." Dispite what Edward looked like in the sun she wasnt affraid in fact she loved it. All these examples convey the theme.

Cynthia Carrera said...

oh wait... This could also be the theme.
A. Love is unconditional despite flaws.
B. The theme is achived through the characters actions. When Bella knows Edward is a vampire she donsnt care. Her feelings dont change not one bit. Even though Edward keeps on telling her that he is a horrible monster. Bella accepts him like that.
C.The theme is also convyed throgh the major conflict. Bella knows thats being with edward means many problems and dangers for her but she dosnt care about all thoses flaws.
D. The theme is also conveyed with the language. For example this simile. His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. Edward saw this as a horrible flaw. But once again bella didnt care and loved him just the same.

siomara :) said...

a. I think the theme of the book was trying to forgive and forget.
b. I think my theme goes with the story because scharlett will have to forgive her "friends" for makeing her so sad and guilty about the death of the boy that died when she kissed him. She will also have to forget all the bad things that happened ang move on will her live at the new school that she is going to.
c. The theme is achieved though the major conflict in the story by the she has to forgive and forget about all the bad things that happeh to her. She has to move on and start her live freash and good and it held communicate by the way she has to forget it all.
d. I think the theme is conveyed by how scarlett is acting in this problem she is haveing. For example, "i'd say thats more than enough to be getting on with, wouldn't you?" This is showing how she is getting on with her life.

roxana garcia said...

A. I believe that the theme of the book, "Kiss Me, Kill Me" by Lauren Henderson is that happiness always come with a price.
B. The theme is achieved through many characters in the story. The all want to fit in no matter what the cost. Being super cool is number 1 on their to do list. The main character Scarlett Wakefield is unsatisfied with her life. She has friends, a good education and is healthy but is bored of her unexciting life. She wants to "party" and "kick it" with the "cool people" the price is very very high; her friends Lucy and Alison, and the life of Dan McAndrew. She betrys her best friends and then find herself being accused of murder. Throughout the story the reader see how much she wanted to fit in any how much she lost because of it. The reader can also see how much everyone else wants the samething. Deep inside everyone wants to be liked the problem is when you care to much.
C. The conflict isn't quite resolved. Scarlett Finds out the she didnt kill Dan and who might have done it. But the rest is in book two. She has learned that it is not as important what people think of you as what you think about yourself. She was not happy with herself in the beginning of the story. She had to fight with guily every day over Dans death. Now, she has to learn to deal with everything thats happened in her life and how to prove that she didnt kill anyone.
D. The author used "everything happens for a reason" a lot to expressed that scarlett is going through a lot but there is a point to it such as; see needed to loose all her friends and kill the boy of her dreams to relize how vain all her wishes were. The author uses a lot of metaphors to describe what the scarlett is feeling such as "My guilt is weighing me down, pressing on me so it feels hard to breathe,...like a millstone round my neck." this shows how scarlett is so sad and guilty that its all crashing down on her and she see the world is over. she also uses a comparison when she says, "they present themselves so well, like packages wrapped in bright shinny paper, tied up with inviting satin bows, sprigs of flowers carefully slipped under the ribbon." this simile shows how scarlett see Plum and friend friends pretty and beautiful while she describes herself and friends as dull and boring, this conveys that they dont fit in and that they want to so badly.

YISEL said...

A i think the theme of the novel is that love is stonge.
B well the theme is aceved thought the character with alot of pasion. like bella for example she loves edward and well she dosent care that he is a vampire .she not afraid that he is because she confedent he would never hurt her .so she show that love is stronger than fear . edward shows that because he loves bella he would never hurt her .so he also shows that love is stronger than anything else
C i agree with pircella that the answer 4 question c is mostly the same as question b.
so i think that the conflict is that she is not scaried that one day Edward would bite her cuz she believes in his love
D His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday's hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface. Edward saw this as a horrible flaw. But once again bella didnt care and loved him just the same.

ps sorry i wrote it late

Janel said...

A. The theme of the book is GUILT.
B. The theme is achieved through the plot of the story. This is revealed through the characters dialogue's & actions.
C. The theme is achieved through their past actions. What they did then is what brought them together in this place now.
D. The theme is conveyed through the author's use of similes & through the actions of her characters.